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10AM - 3PM
Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Oakville ON
2nd Annual Seedy Sunday Event!
Join us for a gardening event inspired by Seeds of Diversity Canada. This event will celebrate gardening in Oakville with a focus on sustainable, local practices and products including:
*Huge seed swap all day
*Heirloom and heritage seed producers and vendors
*Speakers, garden tool swap and gardening book swap
*Garden Cafe
*Kids' Activity Centre
*Opportunities for meeting and networking with other gardeners and experts
A wealth of information, lots of like minded folks and good vibes!
A Free event for everyone! We will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items in lieu of entrance fee for our local food banks.
Bring the whole family down for A Seed Swap, kids activity corner, Garden Vendors and more!
Inspired by Seeds of Diversity this community event will celebrate gardening in Oakville with a focus on sustainable, local practices and showcase a selection of local vendors selling organic heritage seed, organic teas, gardening supplies, all natural body products and more! Gather information on upcoming community garden workshops, meet with community groups, join a horticultural society or community garden and participate in our first ever garden book and tool exchange.
Entrance by donation or bring two non-perishable food items.
Seed Vendors:
- Backyard Seed Savers
- Hawthorn Farm Seeds (sold by Sunfire Herbals)
- Gaia Organic Seeds
- Tree and Twig (seeds and plants)
- Allotment Seeds
- Matchbox Garden & Seed Co.
- Sentimental Farm
- Cathy’s Crawly Composters
- Cathy’s Sprouters
- Sunfire Herbals
- HERbS – Holistic Essential Remedies by Sabrina
- Enfleurage Organics
- Gigi’s Foods
- Kayanase Greenhouse
- Annelid Cycle
- Wee Bee House
Community Groups:
- Halton Food Council
- Halton Environmental Network
- Greening Sacred Spaces
- Seeds of Diversity
- Oakville Horticultural Society
- Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
- Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre
- Oakville Public Library – Seed Library
- North American Native Plants Society
- Margaret Larson
Garden Cafe:
- Second Breakfast Cafe by Geek+Tea (hot / cold teas, sweet and savory snacks all made with local ingredients; please bring your own mug / dishes to reduce waste!)

All day seed swap! Need more seeds or have too many? Drop off and find new crops for your garden at this all day volunteer run seed swap. If you’d like to donate seeds please bring them in pre-labelled small envelopes to share.
Mastered everything in your own garden library? Share your passion and knowledge and drop off old but good gardening books to share with budding gardeners. Runs all day.

Kids’ activity corner! Learn how to get your kids growing with easy fun hands-on activities for all ages.
Donate and bring your unneeded garden tools to swap with other gardeners! All garden tools must be in clean, working condition.
Please drop off at HEN office at QEPCCC Friday Feb 21 between 9am – 3pm or the morning of the event.

Learn which native species are easy to grow and maintain, and ones that homeowners can plant to support biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.
Kayanase Greenhouse
1:00 PM - Urban homesteading
Not just hippies with cell phones. Join us for an interactive discussion of our 35 year journey towards self-sufficiency. Topics will include intensive raised bed gardening, growing season extensions, food preservation, beekeeping and many more!
Rob Croley, Sentimental Farm
11:30 AM - 26 seconds
What goes on your skin and down your drain can keep you and this world healthier. Learn how to make healthier choices for your home and body.
Colleen Lowe, Enfleurage Organics
There’s lots of buzz about heirlooms, but are all those brightly coloured tomatoes at market actual heirlooms? This talk discusses heirlooms: what they are, why they are important, and the fundamentals of seed saving … with lots of colourful picture to show them off!
Linda Crago, Tree and Twig
12:00 PM - the wonder of worms, the simplicity of compost
Vermicomposting is a viable solution for anywhere not served by by an organic collection program or access to outdoor composting. Discover how worms convert organic matter into nature’s finest soil amendment, how they play an ever-increasing role in waste management, soil production and food security. Then learn how sprouts are considered nature’s superfood, how to grow sprouts at home, school, and work. Then discover the magic of laughing for no reason. As a Laughter Yoga Teacher Cathy’s presentations are not only engaging and informative, they are more fun than ever!
Cathy Nesbitt, Cathy’s Crawly Composters / Cathy’s Sprouters