How to Save Your Back: The Benefits of a No-Till Garden
When starting a new garden, or to start the new gardening season, home gardeners have been known to rev up the rototiller and hack away mercilessly
When starting a new garden, or to start the new gardening season, home gardeners have been known to rev up the rototiller and hack away mercilessly
I attended a canoe garden installation in Burlington held by Halton Environmental Network, Reach Out Center For Kids (ROCK) and Arthouse Halton. If you’re wondering what exactly a canoe garden is, it’s just like it sounds, a garden planted in a canoe. The
As gardeners we can often find ourselves stuck inside during a rainy day in the summer. But what gardening tasks can we still do on those rainy days? The following are five indoor rainy
The following is an interview with Micheline W. Micheline is a garden champion at one of the community garden sites in Oakville. She is passionate about reducing food waste
The following is an interview with Halton Food Volunteer, George Willms. George has been involved in our community garden with Open Doors at St. Christopher’s Anglican
The following is an interview with Halton Food Volunteer, Beth Martin. To begin, describe the ways that you are involved in your local community. Oh gosh, I hope
Seeds to plant this week: celery, celeriac, onions, leeks, brussels sprouts, rosemary, lavender or thyme.
Contributed by Alyson Prokop-Baker, Education and Community Garden Coordinator In the winter months, it’s sometimes hard to motivate ourselves to garden, especially if you have